Spring Cleaning: Cleaning, Repairing and Renos

Springtime is a great time of year to clean up our homes, and many take part in spring cleaning. Often, this is when homeowners start repairing and renovating their property & house. Whether it’s the warmer weather that motivates us to get moving or we are ready to start repairing after a long weekend, spring always sees this uptick. 


When the weather changes, the spring cleaning of your front yard will give you space and time to make some changes to your garden or landscaping. Planting beautiful new flowers to add a splash of colour to your yard. You could also upgrade or renovate your landscaping by adding a new walkway or border around your garden or driveway. Before you perform any landscaping at your home, please consult a professional to see what would best fit your needs and budget.


With any renovation, upgrade or repair, it is best to consult a professional before performing anything in or outside your home. Whether you want to renovate your kitchen, upgrade your backyard with a deck or seating area, there are many professionals available for any project you desire. This time of year is the perfect time to have repairs and renovations, as the weather can have you spend time outside if the workers need to work inside your home and you can not disturb them. 

If your home is in need of repairs, your insurance could help with the costs, and ease the stress of needing to come up with all of the money to keep your home safe and in tip-top shape. Before, during, and after your renovations, keep in touch with your insurance broker to ensure that you are covered for the renovations you wish to make. 

For more information on home insurance, visit our website at www.dbibrokers.ca where you can start 


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